হোম লার্নিং
নিম্নলিখিত ওয়েবসাইটগুলি ঘরে বসে আপনার সন্তানের শেখার পক্ষে সহায়তা করতে সহায়ক হতে পারে।
Purple Mash
Purple Mash is an online platform for all year groups. 2do's have been set for different subject areas.
To access our school's Purple Mash please use the link below.
Readiwriter is an online platform to support learning. Your child will be set grammar activiites and have access to their Bee Hive words.
To access our school's Readiwriter the link below.
Mathletics is an online platform to support Maths learning. Activities are set alongside your child's White Rose learning.
To access our school's Mathletics please use the link below.
White Rose Maths
The White Rose Maths Team have prepared a series of maths videos for each year group to help with Maths learning.
To find work for your child's year group use the link below.
Primary PE Passport
Primary PE Passport provides videos for aiding PE lessons.
To view these videos, use the link below.
Language Angels
Language Angels supports your child's learning of French.
Click on the link below to access your child's learning.
Times Table Rockstars
Times Tables Rockstars in an online platform to support the learning of times tables.
To access our school's Times Table Rockstars click the link below.
Read Write Inc.
The Whitchurch CE Federation uses Read Write Inc to teach sounds, use the videos to help your child work on their phonics work.
Click the link below to access the videos.
Charanga YUMU is an online platform to support music learning. Use your child's Mathletics login to access the work set for their year group.
To access our school's YUMU please use the link below.
BBC Bitesize
BBC Bitesize provides videos and lessons to help aid your child's home learning.
To find work for your child's year group use the link below.
Oak National Academy
Oak National Academy have provided lessons and video tutorials for each subject and year group.
To find work for your child's year group use the link below.
Primary Resources and Links
The below link has lot of useful links and resources to aid learning at home